In attendance: K. Al-Begain, B. Zupančič, F. Breitenecker, M. Alexik, E. Juuso, R. Zobel, A. Orsoni, E. Jimenez Macías, M. Šnorek, Y. Merkeryev, A. Matte
- Report of the President Khalid Al-Begain:
There was some communication with members including ROMSIM, FRANCOSIM and potential new members including BULSIM, Russia, and Ireland.
Preparation for the Next EUROSIM congress started with a meeting of the key members of the organising committee from UKSIM and roles have been assigned. - Report of the Secretary Borut Zupančič: activities on WEB maintenance, data base of societies officiers is renewed.
- Report of the treasurer Felix Breitenecker: 3500 EURO came from Prague congress.
- Report of the Eic SNE Felix Breitenecker: SNE had to change its name to Simulation Notes Erope in order to be considered by Thompson’s ISI for indexing. SNE is to become electronic (online) to save costs as the cost of printing is too high. There is a need for more editors to the Editorial Board of SNE. It was agreed that each member society order and pay the electronic version for all members. So the fee mainly depends on the number of members. Negotiations in special occasions are foreseen.
- EUROSIM WEB. The secretary suggested that there is a need to send the Web login again to societies. The president will try to organise with his secretary the calendar of events. The societies must improve web pages.
- There was also a discussion about the indexing of EUROSIM 2010 Congress proceedings. It was suggested that the president will contact ISI.
- Membership: There is no clear information about Srbisim, about its web page. A representative should visit a future board meeting and explain open questions.
- EUROSIM events between two congresses. The types of sponsorship that EUROSIM can provide to other conferences and the return expected: EUROSIM Congress – full support to local society that organises the congress and expects 5% of the income. EUROSIM Conference: these are national conferences that run in support of EUROSIM and can use EUROSIM in the name. They can be listed on EUROSIM website and can be publicised by EUROSIM - 2.5% of income. EUROSIM Technical Co-sponsorship. Use of logo permitted but no direct involvement. No financial return expected.
- It was suggested that EuroSim should establish a calendar of simulation events in Europe. For this purpose, the president will ask national societies about dates for national societies.
- EUROSIM Congress 2013 in Cardiff. There was a meeting in December 2010 for the people involved in the organisation of EUROSIM Congress in 2013 that will take place in Cardiff City Hall. The webpage will go online as soon as possible. The president will print some leaflets and send them to members to be displayed in conferences. The Board was also informed that the proceedings of the Congress will be published by IEEE CPS and IEEE Explore.
- Date of next Board meeting: Vienna Feb. 17 afternoon.
- Any other business. There will be a special issue of SIMPRA for EUROSIM 2010 Congress. App. 20 papers will be reviewed and then 10-15 to be selected.
- Next congress. The societies can start thinking about possible proposals. Esko Juuso will consider formulating a proposal from SIMS to host.
Khalid Al-Begain, Borut Zupančič