- Opening, approval of the agenda
- Approval of the minutes of EUROSIM 35th Board Meeting, Berlin, 10 December 2012
- Report of the President
- Reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer
- Reports of the Editor-in-Chiefs SIMPRA, SNE
- EUROSIM Congress 2013 in Cardiff
- Liophant Greece Conference.
- New Membership Applications: KA-SIM Application (Observer), Liophant (Full)
- Reports/remarks/suggestions of EUROSIM member societies and EUROSIM observer member societies
- EUROSIM membership potentials
- Any other business
Main points
KA-SIM became Observer Member
The President stated that he received a formal application from Prof. Edmond Hajrizi for KA-SIM. Prof. Hajrizi attended the meeting.
Kosova Association for Modeling and Simulation (KA-SIM) is part of Kosova Association of Control, Automation and Systems Engineering (KA-CASE).
The President also confirmed that KA-SIM is now a registered and active society with many active links with ASIM and other EUROSIM member societies. They also provided all requested documents including Certificate of Registration, Term and Bylaws and list of members.
The Board voted anonymously on accepting KA-SIM as an Observer member of EUROSIM.
The EUROSIM president Khalid Al Begain and Edmond Hairizi, the president of KA-SIM
Liophant became Full Member
The Liophant Simulation Society has been an Observer Member in EUROSIM since Feb 2012.
The Board felt that the Liophant Society has proven to be very active and therefore agreed to vote on the application.
The Board approved the application anonymously.