CSSS - Czech and Slovak Simulation Society

CSSS (The Czech and Slovak Simulation Society) has about 100 members in 2 groups connected to the Czech and Slovak national scientific and technical societies (Czech Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics, Slovak Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics - SSAKI).

The main objectives of the society are: development of education and training in the field of modelling and simulation, organising profes-sional workshops and conferences, disseminating information about modelling and simulation activities in Europe to its members, informing the members about publishing in the field of modelling and simulation.

Since 1992 CSSS is a full member of EUROSIM.


Official web page: http://www.cssim.cz 

CSSS – Český a Slovenský spolek pro simulaci systémů
Novotného lávka 200/5
11000 Praha 1
Česká republika

CSSS Officers

President Michal Štepanovský, michal.stepanovsky@fit.cvut.cz
Vice President Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk
Scientific Secretary A. Kavička, Antonin.Kavicka@upce.cz
Representative EUROSIM Michal Štepanovský, michal.stepanovsky@fit.cvut.cz
Editorial Board SNE Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk
Web EUROSIM Mikuláš Alexík, alexik@frtk.fri.utc.sk