ASIM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation
ASIM is the association for simulation in the German speaking area (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria). ASIM is part of GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik), the German Association for Informatics.
ASIM is organized in five sections (working committees):
- ASIM Section GMMS - Basic Principles and Methods in Simulation
- ASIM Section SUG - Simulation in Environmental and Geo- Sciences
- ASIM Section STS - Simulation in Technical Systems
- ASIM Section SPL - Simulation in Production and Logistics
- ASIM Section EDU - Simulation and Education
For more information about ASIM please visit www.asim-gi.org
Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing
TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Wien, Austria
e-mail: info@asim-gi.org
Web: www.asim-gi.org
ASIM Officers
President | Felix Breitenecker, felix.breitenecker@tuwien.ac.at |
Vice Presidents | Sigrid Wenzel, s.wenzel@uni-kassel.de T. Pawletta, pawel@mb.hs-wismar.de A. Körner, andreas.koerner@tuwien.ac.at |
Secretary | Tobias Uhlig, tobias.uhlig@unibw.de |
Representative EUROSIM | Felix Breitenecker, felix.breitenecker@tuwien.ac.at Andreas Körner, andreas.koerner@tuwien.ac.at |
Editorial Board SNE | T. Pawletta, pawel@mb.hs-wismar.de |
Web EUROSIM | I. Husinsky, irmgard.husinsky@tuwien.ac.at |