- Approval of the minutes of EUROSIM 36th Board Meeting, Vienna, 6th May 2013
- Report of the President
- Report on EUROSIM2013
- Reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer
- Reports
- Opening, approval of the agenda of the Editor-in-Chiefs SIMPRA, SNE
- Reports/remarks/suggestions of EUROSIM member societies and EUROSIM observer member societies
- New Membership Applications
- EUROSIM membership potentials
- Liophant Greece Conference
- EUROSIM Congress 2016 – New Presidency
- Any other business
Main points
Report from the 8th EUROSIM congress in Cardiff
Total submitted: 158
Accepted: 137
Published: 109
Number of Keynote presentations: 5
Number of exhibitions: 3
New EUROSIM officers elected:
President: Esko Juuso, SIMS
Secretary: Borut Zupančič, SLOSIM
Treasurer: Felix Breitenecker, ASIM
Next EUROSIM congress:
Next, the 9th EUROSIM congress will be organised by SIMS in sept. 2016 in Oulu, Finland