Activity Reports

  • Activity Report 2020

ROMSIM is involved in organization of two periodic scientific seminaries:  A seminary on Systems modeling and Simulation and a seminary on Mathematical modeling Simulation;  the seminaries are attended each time by 15 to 20 specialists. During the seminaries participants present and discuss both theoretical and applied contributions  in the field of systems modeling and simulation. Some PhD theses, elaborated on simulation and modelling subjects by some members of the seminar, are in progress.

Organization of conferences
ROMSIM was involved in the organization of two international conferences

"The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2008)"


"The V-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics (MENP-5)" 

held on August 29 - September 02, 2008 at Callatis High School, Mangalia, near the Black Sea, Romania. Marius Radulescu was a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the above conferences.

Participation to Conferences, workshops

Members of ROMSIM gave talks to several international conferences in 2008 with subjects in the domain of mathematical modelling and simulation.

Tenth International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (uksim 2008) Cambridge UK (one paper presented)
9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE'08), Bucharest (three papers presented)
12th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Heraklion, Greece, 2008 (three papers presented)
EURO 2008 Conference in Augsburg, Germany
MIA 2008 Conference in Trogir, Croatia
ISTASC 2011, 11th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation, Florence, Italy, 22-26 August 2011
EUROSIM '13, 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, September 2013, Publisher: IEEE Computer Society

Publication activity

We emphasize also the activity of ROMSIM members in the field of publishing articles in international and/or Romanian journals. 6 papers were published in WSEAS Proceedings (ISI indexed), one paper in Proc. Romanian Academy (ISI indexed) and one paper in the Journal Studies in Informatics and Control. At the same time some members of ROMSIM (as dr. Florin Hartescu, dr. Constantza Zoie Radulescu and others) have published books and research articles in Romanian Journal for Informatics and Automatics.
One book with a subject connected to ruin theory (which has some simulation models), author Gheorghita Zbaganu was published in a collection of the Publishing House Geometry Balkan Press.
We emphasize the apparition of several book reviews of the book "Modelling of High Complexity Systems with Applications-a CD with application programs is attached" (author: Florin Stanciulescu) in journals as Kybernetes (USA), Simulation News Europe (Eurosim).
Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier, Holland).
Landscape Ecology (Elsevier, Holland), Studies in Informatics and Control (ICI, Romania), and a lot of other journals.
In 2011 was published a book chapter (chapter 5) entitled Operations research methods in production management with environmental constraints. The name of the book is Environmental Planning (ISBN: 978-1-61728-654-4) and the Publishing House is Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New-York. The book chapter has 32 pages and it has a subject connected to modeling and simulation.

S. Nicolaescu, I. Dumitrascu, F. Hartescu s.a - Wi - Fi Network Security (Securitatea in retele Wi - Fi), AGIR Publishing House (Editura AGIR, Seria "Electronica - Comunicatii"), ISBN 978-973-720-199-7, 2008
S. Nicolaescu, F. Hartescu, I. Dumitrascu, s.a - Broadband wireless access, Printech Publishing House (Editura Printech, Cod CNCSIS 54) Bucuresti, vol. I - Presentation and analysis, vol. II - Measurements and results - (Masuratori si rezultate), ISBN 978-606-521-080-6, ISBN 978-606-521-082-0, 2008
S. Nicolaescu, I. Dumitrascu, F. Hartescu s.a - Dispersed virtual networks (Retele virtuale dispersate), Printech Publishing House (Editura Printech, Cod CNCSIS 54), ISBN 978-606-521-707-2, 2011
Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu (ICEADR Bucuresti), Gh. Adrian Zugravu (UDJ Galati), Carmen Nicolae (USAMV Bucuresti), Constanta Zoie Radulescu (ICI), Florin Hartescu (ICI), Ion Dumitrascu (ICI), Alin Zamfiroiu (ICI) s. a. - Management of fish farms - effects and opportunities in the functioning of the food market (Managementul exploatatiilor piscicole - efecte si oportunitati in functionarea pietei alimentare) - Publishing House (Editura) Terra Nostra, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-973-1888-78-1, 2011
M. Radulescu, C. Z. Radulescu - Financial Decision Aid Using Multiple Criteria, Springer, Cham, 2018
V. Sima - Numerical solution of algebraic Riccati equations by Newton's method, Technical Sciences, 2018

Papers :

Constanta Zoie Radulescu, Marius Radulescu, Adrian Turek Rahoveanu, Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu, Silviu Beciu, A multi-criteria approach for assessment of agricultural systems in context of sustainable agriculture, AICT'11: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Applied informatics and computing theory, September 2011, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), ISBN: 978-1-61804-034-3
Marius Radulescu, Constanta Zoie Radulescu, Simulation and Optimization for Crop Planning Under Risk, in: Proceeding EUROSIM '13, Proceedings of the 2013 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Pages 409-414 IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA 2013, ISBN: 978-0-7695-5073-2
Marius Radulescu, Constanta Zoie Radulescu, Crop Planning Models with Symmetric Risk Measures, Studies in Informatics and Control - ICI Bucharest, 2014
Vasile Sima, Computational Experience with a Modified Newton Solver for Continuous - Time Algebraic Riccati Equations, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea, Alexandru Stanciu, Vasile Sima, Dan Popescu, Radu Dobrescu, Modeling Complex Industrial Systems Using Cloud Services, 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 2015
Peter Benner, Vasile Sima, Matthias Voigt, Algorithm 961: Fortran 77 Subroutines for the Solution of Skew-Hamiltonian / Hamiltonian Eigenproblems, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 42 Issue 3, June 2016
C. Z. Radulescu, D. M. Radulescu, F. Hartescu, A Cloud Service Providers Ranking Approach, Based on Saw and Modified Topsis Methods, 16th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE), 2017
Giorgiana Geampalia, Florin Hartescu, Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea, Communication Technologies for Complex Industrial Systems, IAFA 2017, Eight Internationa Workshop on "Interdisciplinary Approaces in Fractal Analysis (CSCS21), 2017
Vasile Sima, Florin Hartescu, Alexandru Stanciu, New Software Applications for System Identification, 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, 2017
C. Z. Radulescu, M. Radulescu - Group Decision Support Approach for Cloud Quality of Service Criteria Weighting - Studies in Informatics and Control, 2018
D. Radulescu, C. Z. Radulescu, G. Lazaroiu, R. Boncea - Binary Programming Models for the Server Consolidation Problem in Data Centers -  International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management, 2018
V. Sima - Performance of Lyapunov Solvers on Dedicated SLICOT Benchmarks Collections, 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2018
V. Sima - Numerical investigation of Newton’s method for solving discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2018

February 2020

National Institute for Research in Informatics
Averescu Avenue 8-10
71316 Bucharest, Romania